Monday, January 11, 2016

Go Ye Into All The World (Apostle J On The Road)


I pray you all have begun this 2016 year with greatness and love. I am embracing doors that Holy Spirit has opened for me. I am asking for your support. Holy Spirit has made it POSSIBLE for a door to television to be opened for me. This Friday, January 15, 2016 at 7pm, I will be the guest of Apostle Marilyn Todman on Preach the Word. Preach the Word is a show on Preach the Word Worldwide Network. 

Preach the Word Worldwide Network is an emerging kingdom television headquartered in Tallahassee, FL. They have a based viewership of 3.5 million across America, the UK and other countries. 

You can find PTWWN through Comcast, DirecTV and online at 

Then Saturday, January 16 through Monday, January 18, I will be the guest speaker of Apostle Janet Clary and Janet Clary Ministries for RELEASING the SOUND of INTERCESSION Tour. As I have been in prayer over the last several weeks, Holy Spirit revealed, there is an INTERCESSORY MOVEMENT being birthed and I am one of the deliverers. 

These two events are paramount to what Holy Spirit is doing in this season for me and those who are attached to me (and the ministry entrusted to me). 

If you are being led to sow to help with travel in this season, you can do so by clicking this link, All seeds/donations are appreciated and prayed over with the word of God. 

Thank you for sharing in the Kingdom with JRB Ministries. 

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